Sunday 2 June 2019

10 Attributes of a Legitimate Online Income System

Tired of being scammed? Me too. This is a time of economic uncertainty for many people. Maybe you have been, or are about to be, downsized. Or maybe, like me, you had unexpected expenses that drained your bank account and now your credit is shot. Traditional part-time jobs are getting more and more competitive and, let's face it, you can work 2 or 3 evenings per week, and all weekend long and just barely earn enough extra to pay for the gasoline in your car. For many of us, with families and friends and hobbies we'd like to spend time with, we need a better way. The Internet is loaded with true, legitimate programs that teach how to create an online income that comes in day after day, week after week, month after month. Most of these are affiliate programs. Affiliate programs can be a completely legitimate way to generate online income, but you have to beware of the scams. If they promise you will make $3,000 in the next 30 days, run, don't walk, in the other direction. Here's what a legitimate online income system should provide: 1) A program that is easy to follow and understand. The more step-by-step, do this, then that, the better. 2) A modest up-front investment. There is no reason to invest more than $100 in any legitimate online income system unless you fully understand the program and know what you are getting. There needs to be an introductory price or introductory period, or a beginner option, at a relatively low cost. Otherwise, you can immediately tell what the program actually is - a scam to take your money up-front, and there's nothing behind it. Few affiliate programs require you to pay up-front, so that is another clue. 3) A way to get started part-time, and can be done in the evenings and weekends. This is always the case with affiliate-based programs. 4) A framework that can be expanded into a full-time business, with full-time income potential or more. 5) A true business that could be done from anywhere. Since the internet is not geographically limited, the most successful, legitimate online income systems is not focused on one area, either. If there are users in multiple countries, that's usually a sign of value. 6) No requirement to hold inventory, or ship anything to anyone. 7) A program that is mostly automated and systemized. The old adage, "The less I do, the more I make" is key to most successful online income systems. The more it can be automated and you can make sales in a 1-2-3 manner, the better the results. 8) No Pie in the Sky promises, no bogus guarantees, no unrealistic expectations. Making a legitimate online income system work takes time. These are not Get Rich Quick schemes. It takes time and effort, and a little bit of money, to get results. There has to be realism in the presentation. 9) A program that delivers what it says. I'm not impressed by a guru who knows everything and his or her way is the best. Don't tell me that you, and only you, have discovered "the secret." Give me someone like Kimberly Hoffman, the creator of My Online Income System, who admits she doesn't know it all, doesn't attempt to teach it all, but instead guides her members toward other, more authoritative resources. The lack of ego is refreshing. 10) Any legitimate online income system should come with a support system, either a robust email/live chat program, or a forum where folks can gather, discuss issues, and brainstorm ideas. Any program that just gives you an eBook, and then leaves you out in the cold to fend for yourself is probably a scam. If you are interested in finding a legitimate way to generate an online income, just look for the programs that have the above attributes. They're out there, and once you know what to look for, you're sure to find one that's right for you. Trina Johnson is a budding online entrepreneur. Slow and steady wins this race. Months of research and trial and error have narrowed down my choices to just a few. Check out for more information on Kim Hoffman's My Online Income System, follow my journey toward online success at I wish all of you much success. Article Source: Article Source:

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